Static HTML: iframe tabs free download - paktechbeta


                            Static HTML: iframe tabs

hi friends.if you download static HTML iframe tabs scor downlink is given bellow.FIRST, you click on this download link then opened a new tab on your Facebook windows now you install this app on the page. then you put ad units on their page articles step by step.
static HTML iframe tab

Most people use static HTML iframe tab application for run ads on image, videos, and articles, etc.
static HTML iframe tab application work on your page and get monetization without share videos and complete facebook ad-break requirements. you know this is very amazing. you earn money use this application when you have a Facebook page. not matter how much visiter on your Facebook page you just add an image with ads code and upload on your own page.  this is very easy with using static HTML iframe tab application. mostly people do not know about this application and how is this application work. In my next post, I show how this application work on the Facebook page.FOLLOW my blog for getting a notification to a new post on the blog.

in this blog, I share all about news, technical news, political news, and health news.

if you have any problem then comment me on the contact box.

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  1. i have a hard to upload on it on my fb

  2. Replies
    1. first you tell me how much you have followers in your facebook page.

  3. How do I give permission through Facebook to continue linking

  4. How to YouTube link add facebook page get permission YouTube tab


  5. This Page does not have permission to install the custom tab.


    1. How to YouTube link add facebook page get permission YouTube

      This Page does not have permission to install the custom tab

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